Forage & Cover Crops
Forage Crops are an ideal winter break-crop that allows the utilisation of land that may otherwise be left idle.

Skyfall is a bounce back brassica, which means it can be grazed and regrazed over summer and autumn unlike other brassicas. When sown in spring it is capable of producing between 12 and 14t/acre

Maize is a high-yielding, home-grown, high-energy feed. Often described as a more consistent and cost-effective winter feed compared to a 2 or 3-cut silage system a decent crop of maize represents excellent value for money

Forage Crops
Forage Crops are an ideal winter break-crop that allows the utilisation of land that may otherwise be left idle

Forage Rape
Forage rape is ideal for extending the grazing season into autumn and winter. It is a winter- hardy brassica with excellent yields and quality.

DLF Catch Crops
Catch Crops, Cover Crops and Green Manures are terms generally used to describe a crop that is sown between two cash crops.